Associations of parents of children with special needs

Associations such as “early care centres” are made up of multidisciplinary teams, offering individualized outpatient treatments for each person. As a general rule, they offer care for children from birth to 6 or 8 years old. However, they are not all the same, and some also offer care to children of all ages.

They help children having or at risk of having any type of developmental disorder, and their aim is to detect and respond as soon as possible to their needs, whatever they may be.

AID BONES helps then in whatever they need to improve their autonomy.

Families are also helped, as the care and treatments that the children receive are provided with a global approach that aims to improve the quality of life not only of the child, but also of those around them, and who care for them.

The professional working at centres include stimulation therapists, speech therapists, physiotherapists, psychologists, psychopedagogues, psychotherapists, and social workers, among other professionals in the field.

All the professionals who have tried AID BONES agree that AID BONES is an extremely helpful aid for social, communicative, perceptual-cognitive and psychomotor development, and highly recommended for use both at centres and at home.

STIMULATION THERAPISTS: Stimulation is directed and planned, so that, in the early stages of their lives, children can maximize their motor, cognitive, emotional and social possibilities. Such individualized stimulation plans cover all areas of development, and, with AID BONES, can help lay the foundations for the child’s development, taking into account and compensating for all the difficulties faced.


PHYSIOTHERAPISTS: Their aim is to promote the greatest possible motor autonomy of the child in carrying out all the activities of their daily lives. Physiotherapy involves the application of various manual therapies, and this is where AID BONES is extremely useful, as they can facilitate the child’s motor development, in the most normal way possible, and help modify pathological movement patterns and thus prevent the appearance of the musculoskeletal deformities.


PSYCHOMOTRICITY: This is an educational and therapeutic intervention to promote the development of the child’s motor, expressive and creative skills. AID BONES can be extremely useful in this case, since its soft touch and easy grip allows the child to be more freely expressive and creative in using their body, leading them to focus more on their actions, and develop interest in movement and action, and everything that derives from it, such as the capabilities of playing, eating, painting, and so on.